Next Steps

at Friendship Celebration

Are you new to Friendship Celebration or have been attending for a while? If yes, you may be ready to explore what it means to become an official part of the Friendship Celebration family. You're ready for Next Steps. 

Here are the Fall 2024 dates

  • *Essentials Class: Sept 22 & Oct 6, 12:15-5pm
  • *Orientation Lunch: Oct 13, 12:15-2pm
  • Welcome Sunday: Oct 27, 8:15am or 11:00am

* Childcare provided.

To register, please click the links below.

Contact DCE Joy Kaufmann, Connections Coordinator, to register at



Baptism is the way God makes you His child and adopts you into His family. If you or any member of your family has not been baptized and would like to be baptized, please get in touch with the church office. Baptisms are offered throughout the year.


Essentials Class

If you're new to the Christian faith or want to learn more about what the Lutheran Church teaches and believes, this class is for you! Held every fall, Pastor Matt will teach you the six chief parts of the Christian faith in this adult confirmation class. 

This class is optional for membership if you have been confirmed or are transferring from an LCMS congregation.



Attend an Orientation Luncheon to find out what it means to be a part of the family at Friendship Celebration. Enjoy a meal, meet our staff, learn about the various ministries, ask questions and explore what it means to join the Friendship Celebration church family! Afterward, you decide whether or not you're ready to become a member of the church. Orientations happen every fall and spring.



Those wishing to join our church family will be welcomed into membership at a worship service on Welcome Sunday, October 27.