What is Confirmation?
Confirmation is a ministry for our middle school students to explore what it means to be a Lutheran Christian, to ask questions, and to ultimately make a public confession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. It is a reaffirmation of a student’s baptism and assists the parents in their instruction and encouragement of their child’s faith development.
Students are instructed in the Christian faith and in what we believe as Lutheran Christians. In Confirmation, students develop relationships with others that will strengthen their walk with Jesus and with each other. In Confirmation, students grow in their faith in Christ through instruction, study, experiences, and service that help move them to a fully devoted follower of Jesus.
Middle School Youth Group/Confirmation is for all students in 6th grade through 8th grade.
We meet twice a month on Sundays from 4:30pm-6:00pm at the church.
Confirmation Sunday is held the first Sunday of May each year. The students reaffirm their baptism, confirm their faith in Jesus, and receive a blessing at this worship service.
Download the full 2024-2025 Confirmation Teaching Schedule here (in .pdf format)